This prestigious school was established in April 2008 under the dynamic and able guidance of Jat High School Society, Kaithal. It is situated in the heart of city facing Karnal road. School is well equipped with sufficient infrastructure including Maharaja Surajmal Stadium. Games and sports are an integral part of our school curriculum which develops various skills, inculcate the qualities of bravery, honesty, team work and above all leadership. Being an English medium public school, affiliated to CBSE Delhi upto XII class, Our focus is to improve the English of students that is why we have organized seminars for our school teachers also.
This school is also focusing on to improve the spoken English of the students. We have made special provision of education for exceptional and poor children. This institute is working day and night to impart quality education to the students so that they could be prepared for the challenges of this ever changing world. Presently, school is working under Jat High School Society, Kaithal.